sing might play only an incidental part. Thus TRANS- VESTIA is a type (4) magazine not as a result of it's Editor's stubbornly selfish attitude but as the carefully and intentionally planned voice of a special group of neglected people. Therefore material based on other behaviour patterns has not appeared in the pages of TRANSVESTIA and will not appear. There are quite en- ough readers who fall within the limitations I have ad- opted to keep me more than busy. If TURNABOUT or any other publications wishes to speak for members of these other groups it is certainly their privelege and I say, "more power to them everyone has a right to be heard. I have no personal animosity toward homosexuals or any of the other types mentioned above, I have friends of many kinds. However, I myself, as outlined in my own Cover Story in TVia #17, am of the type I wish to serve, and it is to help others like myself to open doors and achieve self acceptance and understand- ing that I have dedicated my efforts. I am quite con- tent that those who do not fall into the catagory I work for should find their needs being filled elsewhere. I merely want to help my own kind and I am secure in the knowledge and happy in my heart in knowing that I have been able to bring light, comfort and acceptance to lots of you--your letters tell me so.
TURN ABOUT says that it will de-emphasize the clinical and the moralistic". The implication is that TRANSVESTIA has emphasized these. I am not sure what is meant by "moralistic" -I have taken no position in such matters except that TVism is not immoral--so I won't comment on this. But the clinical side a few words might be in order. While I don't think TRANS- VESTIA has emphasized the clinical, we have certainly given it space and will continue to do so for a very good reason. We cannot educate all the population at once - they are too numerous and varied--but we can spend some considerable effort in trying to enlighten those groups in society who in the long run influence, administer and enforce society's laws and policies. Thus the medical, legal, and police professions are those toward whom we should aim our efforts. TRANS- VESTIA cannot hope to reach all the TVs in the coun- try. There will be thousands who will never hear of it.